Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Victoria Film Festival - Behind the Wheel writeup

Seeing film as art is easy. Remembering that art is about challenging the world can be hard. Putting film art into action? Well, that can be damn near impossible for people... but not the members of the LA Film Co-op. Determined to make their own state of the union address and filled with youthful energy, they bought a bus, fit a modern day editing suite into it and headed out from coast to coast, interviewing notable artists wherever they found them.

Bumping into such luminaries as Dead Prez, director Oliver Stone, guerilla poster artist Robbie Conal, among all those citizens just living day-to-day, the Film Co-op has created a profound record for their time. With a new age of change sweeping into America with 2009, Behind the Wheel is an amazing final summary of the Bush years. It captures with joy and anger the spirit of resistance at a time when the majority of Americans felt disenfranchised from a country and a leader who didn't stand for them.


Alexis said...

The trailer is perfect.
I couldn't watch the movie yet because I live in Brazil but the trailer passed a message that doesn't changes my point of view but it shows that I had my eyes closed for those points in US.
In Brazil most of the movies that TRY to show reality are full of explicit violence, none of them even compare to this production.

Aw and I saw that "Behind the Wheel 2 : The Journey Continues" Trailer, it was really cool talking about how that school bus was created haha.
Congratulations on every single award that Behind the Wheel won and is going to win.

Can't wait to watch it.
Perfect photography by the way.

Benjamin said...

This looks like an awesome project. Are there any screenings planned for Minneapolis/St. Paul area? Or is there any way to buy a copy of the film yet?